Hi, everyone! So, first of all, happy new year! I hope your 2019 ends up being worth all the crap 2018 threw at us.
Second, things are getting back on track for Vulture Culture 101. The guest essayists are putting the finishing touches on their essays and should have them in their final form by the end of this month. Once I have those I can actually lay the book out, add in photos, get a final word count, and then design the cover accordingly. After that I should be able to get the book to print; I’m hoping to release it by early spring.
I really, really appreciate your patience; 2018 knocked my feet out from under me in a lot of ways, and while a lot of good came out of the experience, it did mean a few things had to be temporarily back-burnered, including this book project. But I never lost sight of it, and it’s time for me to get this thing out into the world.