I am an artist, and an author, and a self-employed creative.
I am a naturalist, and I am professionally trained in ecopsychology and citizen science techniques.
I love the Pacific Northwest where I’ve lived for over a decade, but I’ve never met an ecosystem I didn’t like.
I’ve been fascinated by dead things ever since I was very young, and I started making art out of them and working with into my spirituality in the mid-1990s.
I wrote my first book over a decade ago; it was published by a small press in 2006. Several more have appeared in the years since then. My most recent big creative project is the Tarot of Bones, a successfully self-published tarot deck and book.
I love my work, but I also love hiking, backpacking, exploring the details of ecosystems and recording their living beings on iNaturalist, reading mostly nonfiction and also comic books, practicing martial arts, cooking food from scratch, and sleeping in as often as possible.
You can reach me at lupa(at)vultureculture101.com