Reviews, Color Pics and More

Hi, all!

I’m hoping that by now all of you who backed the IndieGoGo or ordered books (prior to the past two weeks) have your books in hand; if you haven’t yet received yours, please let me know. You can email me at lupa.greenwolf(at)gmail(dot)com.

Also just a reminder that while the pictures in the book are black and white, there are color versions available at – I’ve seen a few people complaining already about the black and white pics, probably because they didn’t see the places in the book yet where I said “Hey, look! Color photos on my website!” So I’m helping to spread the word. And again, putting color photos in the book itself would have made it a LOT more expensive, so this is my workaround.

I know not everyone dives into a new book as soon as they get it, especially those of us who already have HUGE to-read piles. However, for those of you who have read it, would you be so kind as to leave a review? You can review it on Amazon at or on Goodreads at Reviews help me get an idea of how people are enjoying the book. And the more reviews a book has on Amazon in particular, the more it will show up in search strings and so forth. Thanks for your feedback!

Finally, since this is a self-published endeavor, please do let others who may be interested know about the book! You know people I don’t, so you can get the word out to them, and help an indie author 🙂

Bring Out Your Yer Dead!